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Contact form

The support that Familiekunde Brussel can give you is limited to referring you to contact persons and archive institutions. Sometimes, we can do desk research and make scans of parts of publications and articles available. Familiekunde Brussel does not do personal research on your family tree.

Please note: if you wish to order scans of a part of a publication or of an article, please use our scan order form.

Given name and surname
Enter your email address twice to make sure you haven't made a typo.
Enter your membership number (if any) of Familiekunde Brussel or Familiekunde Vlaanderen.
The personal data you enter here will be used to answer your question and to inform you about further activities and the operation of Familiekunde Brussel.

Would you prefer to contact us in writing or by phone?

Head office and correspondence

Familiekunde Brussel vzw
Arduinkaai 28
1000 Brussel
tel. +32 (0)2 478 51 40 (chairman Daniel Bex)

Bank account

IBAN BE60 7340 0412 8670
KBC 734-0041286-70

Enterprise number

RPR 0879.607.282